


亲爱的阿姆斯特朗上校,我终于可以回信给你。通过我的思绪,通过我心灵的震颤。在某个地方,我相信你能听得到我的声音。我已经查出本案的真相。这个结果令我非常不安。我看到了人性的破碎。那么多不幸的生命,那么多的痛苦与愤恨,被心底的悲痛侵蚀并支配着。一起罪行最终引变成无数起。 我一直想相信人是理性而且文明的。我的生命依赖于这个充满了希望和秩序的信仰。但现在,我可能必须做些转变,聆听我内心的声音。




The reply to Armstrong, from Hercule Poirot

My dear Colonel Armstrong. Finally, I can answer your letter. At least with the thoughts in my head and the feeling in my heart… that somewhere,you can hear me. I have now discovered the truth of the case, and it is profoundly disturbing. I have seen the fracture of the human soul. So many broken lives, so much pain and anger giving way to the poison of deep grief until one crime became many. I have always wanted to believe that man is rational and civilized. My very existence depends upon this hope upon order and method and the little gray cells. But now, perhaps, I am asked to listen instead to my heart.

The last words to the murders from Hercule Poirot

Ladies and gentlemen, I have understood in this case that the scales of justice cannot always be evenly weighed. And I must learn, for once to live with the imbalance. There are no killers here. Only people who deserve a chance to heal. The police have accepted my first solution to the crime the lone assassin who made his escape. I will leave the train hereto conclude formalities. You are all free to go. And may you find your peace with this. May we all.